Aevum Coaching is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coaching service that offers Personal and Professional Health Consulting. Aevum provides Tele and Video Conference options to their clients ensuring convenient access for all across timezone and nation border. They pride themselves on their World-Class approach, which is informed by both a traditional medical education as well as experience in the private healthcare arena at the international level. Aevum uses strategic and informed communication to synthesize data and produce solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each client. Aevum Coaching welcomes clients of all ages and is based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

Aevum comes from the word aeviternity, meaning between time and eternity. Thomas Aquinas conceptualizes aevum as a state of being held by angels and saints, "unchangeable as regards to nature with changeableness as regards to choice."

Integral to our Coaching practice is the belief that ultimately, we all possess all of our own answers. As ironic as that may sound it is simply the compassionate and skilled dialogue of the Coach to allow those mysteries to be revealed to the client through the working relationship. In this respect we treat every client as if they are glorious, self-actualized, perfect as they were made, and "unchangeable", yet possessing the free will to make decisions that can positively impact their baseline state of well-being and therefore their lives as a whole.